Modular SquidModular Squid

Your destination for Eurorack news, reviews, interviews, and how-to's.

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Welcome to Modular Squid, the place where our niche audience finds resources and entertainment! We love what we do, and we are open to partnering with vendors and advertisers who share our passion for serving our audience.

Why partner with us, you ask? Well, we are not just any website. We are a lively community of like-minded individuals who share a love for our modular synths, and we are constantly striving to create the best possible experience for our audience.

We're open to partnering with vendors and advertisers who want to be a part of our mission of providing our audience with the resources and support they need. By partnering with us, you'll gain access to our engaged and passionate audience who is eager to learn about the latest and greatest products, services, and resources.

We believe in transparency and integrity, and we always disclose any sponsored content to our audience. We work with partners who share our values and are committed to providing our audience with high-quality products and services.

So, if you're interested in joining our community and partnering with us, shoot us an email at We can't wait to hear from you and explore the possibilities of working together to create an even better experience for our niche audience!


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